The Easiest Steps to Create a FaucetPay Micro Wallet
The Easiest Steps to Create a FaucetPay (FP) Micro Wallet
The easiest steps to create a micro wallet can be done by anyone, the important thing is can operate a smartphone or laptop and access the internet. First, let's discuss first, what exactly is a micro wallet. Because, before proceeding to the manufacturing step, we must first understand the ins and outs of a micro wallet (FP).
In the real world we all know and even have a wallet, which is useful for storing money, and we can take it wherever we go. However, in this article we will discuss a different wallet. Because, this wallet is in digital form which serves to accommodate crypto currency online on the internet.
Maybe for free crypto currency hunters, they are very familiar with this micro wallet (FP). However, in this article I will provide special enlightenment for beginners who want to hunt for free crypto currency, but don't have a micro wallet.
For that, in this article I deliberately made a very simple guide and easy to understand, about the stepscreate a FaucetPay micro wallet for beginners. Next, what exactly is the specialty of this micro wallet?. What is clear, this micro wallet (FP) is useful for receiving, storing, and sending crypto currency like other crypto wallets.
However, we must know the differences that make micro wallets Faucetpay this to be special. That is, we can make cryptocurrency withdrawals directly from sites that generate free crypto coins based on claims per minute or a certain duration of time. And this cannot be done using other types of crypto wallets such as Coinbase, Blockchain, and others.
Therefore, here I emphasize once again for those of you who are beginners and want to get crypto currency for free. So, I recommend for beginners, to have a Faucetpay micro wallet address account. By having a Faucetpay micro wallet account, we can search for fields or sources of free crypto coins from sites connected to Faucetpay.
Easiest Steps to Create a Micro Wallet (FP) Account For Beginners
Furthermore, there are still things that need to be doneknow about micro wallets (FP). And this is about the currency that is available in the micro-wallet. At Faucetpay at the time I wrote this article, there are several cryptocurrencies that we can get for free. That is by claiming from sites connected to the FaucetPay (FP) micro wallet.
Cryptocurrencies available on Faucetpay include Bitcoin, Ethereum , Dogecoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Tron (TRX), ZCash, DigiByte, DASH, Tether Trc20 (USDT), Feyorra(FEY), and BNB. Then, from all these cryptocurrencies, we can claim them for free.
Furthermore, according to the article title, we will go straight to the core of this article, namely the steps or stages make a micro wallet FaucetPay (FP) for beginners.
(1). Login Faucetpay Site.
After logging in to the site, a page like the image below will appear.
In the picture there are 2 buttons "SIGN UP" and "LOGIN". Since we are going to create a micro wallet account, we click on the "SIGN UP" button.
(2). Fill out the form.
After clicking SIGN UP, the registration form page appears as shown below.
On the registration form, we must fill in:
1. (User Name)
2. (Email Address)
3. (Repeat Email).
4. (Password).
5. (Repeat Password).
6. (Click the Check Button), I Accept.
7. Click I am Human.
8. Click SIGN UP.
This is the article about "The Easiest Steps to Create a Faucetpay Micro Wallet (FP)". Hopefully useful.
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